Data analyst e Data scientist

Oltre ai tool principali forniti dalla nostra società, abbiamo aggiunto al nostro Core Business anche servizi di consulenza di Data Analyst e Data Scientist.
Tramite strumenti informatici specifici quali Python, R, Hadoop e SPSS, elaboriamo i dati forniti dai nostri partner e restituiamo i risultati sintetici ottimali attraverso:

    • Creation of structured databases to allow clean and easy access to data;
    • Statistical analysis of customer profiles to support business decisions;
    • Calculation of economic statistical indices such as Churn (churn rate) or estimate of average profit yield, linear regression indices or logit;
    • Creation of machine learning or deep learning forecasting models on Big Data, based on customer info, to make predictions/forecasting on possible decisions to be taken in the future in terms of Customer Satisfaction or estimate of internal profits/losses.

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